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Mentoring and development for school leaders

As an experienced school leader, I can support you with issues and problems you encounter in your work. A few examples of the type of work I can do are described below, but if you have other requirements, please let me know.


I have completed the following qualifications, which have helped me to grow and develop as a teacher and leader:

  • NPQH (National Professional Qualification for Headship)

  • Associate Headteacher Programme

  • MA in Education (specialising in special educational needs)

  • ​National Professional Qualification for Executive Leadership (NPQEL).


I have also achieved a qualification as an Executive Coach/Mentor at Level 7, accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Management.


Hand Holding a Plant
overview of new heads mentoring package
overview of new heads mentoring package

If you are a school leader, or a teacher aspiring to leadership, I can support you in your role. Mentoring is very similar to coaching. I would listen and help you to articulate your issues and goals, and find your own solutions, but would bring my own experience and knowledge to the session, and offer advice and ideas if appropriate.


We can work face to face, or via video or phone call, whichever best suits your requirements. I offer a complimentary consultation call to help clarify your requirements. To proceed follow the link below. 


New headteachers mentoring package 

A block of 6 one hour individual mentoring sessions - £420 (held monthly via video call).


Aspiring headteachers mentoring package

If you are a deputy or assistant headteacher who is aspiring to headship I can help you achieve this goal.


"Helen has been an exceptional mentor for me. Supporting me to grow and reflect through her willingness to share her own experiences and wisdom. She focusses highly on personal development and next steps for the individuals. She mentors rather than moulding them to her own experiences. Our work together led to me securing a Head of School position. As a leader looking for continual development I will continue to use her support as part of my next stage of leadership."

Anita Intwala (Deputy Principal)


Mentoring can include support with drafting applications and preparing for interviews. Below is an example of a package, but we can discuss your needs and create a bespoke package for you. The first step is to book in for a consultation so that we can explore which options would be best for you.


"The knowledge and expert advice shared helped to build my own confidence and sense of resilience.
Going through the application support statement from the point of view of someone who has been on interview/selection panels enabled me to see things from a different perspective."

Janis (aspiring deputy head)


overview of aspiring heads package
Leadership Skill Development
Being a Coaching leader online resource
Workload Management for Headteachers
Anchor 1

I'm now also offering online resources for leadership development. It's an accessible way to build your skills as a busy leader, with materials being presented in short videos that you can view on your smartphone, backed up by PDFs. There are 2 different options:


  • 'Being a Coaching Leader', which is an online group for leaders backed up by a library of videos and PDFs, all around helping you develop the leadership behaviours that really empower your staff to do great work.

  • 'Workload Management for Headteachers' is an online tool - a set of videos and PDFs that takes you through the steps to creating your own personalised workload management system.


You can find out more about what is on offer here


If you'd like to get free actionable leadership tips delivered to your inbox fortnightly, why not sign up for my 'Coaching Leaders' newsletter.


I am available to deliver training to groups of leaders, drawn from your school or group of schools. Below is an example of a programme I have delivered before, but if you would like to discuss other options, please get in touch.


Middle Leadership Training Programme

The programme is most appropriate when delivered to a group of up to 12 existing or aspirant middle leaders. I deliver 5 x 1.5 hr twilight sessions to the group, with each delegate being invited to take part in a 1 hr coaching triad session (1 coach - 2 coachees) midway through the programme. The aims of the programme are to build self-awareness and an understanding of leadership in the delegates, and develop their ability to plan, deliver, monitor and evaluate a project in their school (appropriate to their role) where they can demonstrate their impact as a leader.

Cost of programme - £1100 to cover all sessions. Can be delivered virtually via Zoom, or face to face. If delivered face to face, additional charges for travel may apply, depending on location.

Download my free 'managing difficult conversations' workbook

cover of Managing Difficult Conversations workbook
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